Dear Beth,
My husband is a real “meat and potatoes” guy who rarely eats vegetables even though the doctor tells him he needs to for his health. But he listens to you. So I wondered if you think that what we eat affects our sex life?
Kelly P.
Hi Kelly,
I’m flattered that he listens to me, but he might not be thrilled today because you’re absolutely right. His diet is probably impacting more than just his waistline. What we eat doesn’t just fuel us; it can significantly influence our sexual appetite and performance. And sadly, the classic meat and potatoes diet is less than optimal for sexual health.
Obviously most of us know that eating lots of red meat and starchy, processed carbs can lead to heart issues. What people don’t talk about is those kinds of vascular blockages also occur in our nether regions and can cause arousal issues. After all, the heart, penis and clitoris all require healthy blood flow. A diet high in saturated fats and low in essential nutrients could contribute to problems like high cholesterol and high blood pressure, both of which negatively impact sexual arousal and performance. So, a good heart isn’t just healthy, it’s sexy!
Secondly, relying heavily on meat and potatoes might mean he’s missing out on other vital nutrients. For example, eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will give him fiber, antioxidants, and essential vitamins like B vitamins which are needed to maintain sexy stamina and healthy hormone levels which allow for sexual arousal.
Of course, he’s not the only one who resists expanding his palate. Many of us love to celebrate romantic occasions with a tasty steak. Yet, if we want to satisfy our sexual appetites, we should eat more plant-based foods, like leafy greens, berries, nuts, and seeds. Not only do these support better circulation in our chest and our pelvic region, but they also reduce inflammation, and boost our overall energy levels, all of which lead to a more satisfying sex life. Also, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which makes them great for your heart and sexual health by improving our vascular health.
That said, your husband doesn’t have to give up all of his favorite foods entirely! He might notice feeling better with just a few easy tweaks. For example, perhaps he could opt for leaner cuts of meat and substitute whole grains like quinoa or brown rice instead of potatoes twice a week.
The next step might be adding a generous portion of other vegetables to his meals. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are fantastic for our sex life because they’re high in nitrates which are converted into nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is crucial for relaxing blood vessels which improves blood flow to our sexual organs. Similarly, nuts and seeds, especially almonds and walnuts, are great sources of L-arginine, an amino acid that the body uses to make nitric oxide which is why even the famous Mayo Clinic suggests L-arginine as a potential aid for erectile dysfunction.
And let’s not skip dessert! After all, having sweets can be sexy. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that help reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow, much like those omega-3s. Plus, dark chocolate can trigger the release of endorphins and serotonin, which are natural mood boosters. Why not have some erotic healthy fun by hand feeding each other berries? Particularly strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries which help lower the risk of erectile dysfunction since they are packed with antioxidants that combat inflammation.
Lastly, your hubby may be generally aware that he should stay well hydrated. But he may not know that dehydration can lead to decreased sexual desire and performance. Once he knows this, he may suddenly want a new water bottle!
On the flip side, eating lots of processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can lead to sluggishness, poor circulation, and hormonal imbalances. All of which can dampen sexual desire and performance while leading to sexual dysfunction.
I hope this is enough information to motivate him to diversify his diet and thereby infuse your sex life with newfound energy. I know I’ve convinced myself to make some changes. So, cheers to all of us enjoying a deliciously sexy life!
With healthy hugs and love,